A minute with Brian Medavoy on how to get representation.
Four Things Actors Should Do When They Get To Hollywood
Just about everyone in Hollywood is from somewhere else. The entertainment industry is filled with people who packed their bags and left Des Moines, or Seattle, or Baltimore to take a shot at their dreams. It’s a huge decision in a person’s life, and one that sparks unparalleled feelings of…
What I learned from Michael Ovitz
It’s fitting that Michael Ovitz is working in Silicon Valley now, in an industry that thrives on disruption since disruption is what he’s doing now that he’s released his autobiography, Who Is Michael Ovitz?, and is fully entrenched in the talk show circuit. Michael Ovitz’s wretched reputation is no secret…
The Cream: 10 Things that Moved Me this Month
When something moves me, I do something about it. Every month, I put together a list of everything that has inspired me to share with my friends and clients. This month, I wanted to share that list with you. I hope you can find some inspiration and joy from it.…
Actors, do you really know yourself?
A minute with Brian Medavoy.
Ask most people what the first step an actor does to book a role and they’ll probably tell you “get an audition.” We’ve all seen those moments play out in film and TV, where the ingénue is standing on the empty stage, giving it everything she’s got. And we’ve seen…
What Actors Can Learn From Social Media Influencers And Vice Versa
Two talent managers — one who reps actors and one who reps digital talent — swap industry secrets. I’ve noticed an interesting paradox within the entertainment industry lately. Actors have come to realize social media is a potentially powerful tool in the growth of their career (even the NY Post is…
How Career-Making Moments Happen
Clicks, Coos, and the Chill Factor I talk to a lot of actors who think that succeeding in Hollywood is still a matter of someone spotting you on the street, dramatically pointing, and saying “That’s the one!” Others acknowledge that success takes time, but that’s it – they think that years of…
My Commencement Speech For Actors
It’s graduation season and that means it’s also time for one of my favorite traditions – commencement speeches. I love commencement speeches because they represent an opportunity for people to share lessons they’ve learned in their journeys with the world. So many have inspired me this year and created moments…