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Brian Medavoy – Page 3 – Hollywood Talent Manager, Producer, Motivator

When isolation orders went out and people were forced to work from home, most of us assumed this would be a strange few weeks but the world would be back to normal shortly. More than a month into self-isolation, we’re starting to see the cracks. Unemployment spiking, the stock market…

Whenever I meet a new potential client, I ask, “What’s your story?” Everyone’s life is impacted or guided by the stories they love; be it characters in movies, lyrics in songs, passages in books or poetry. Actors, directors, writers, and producers are all storytellers, and they all have a unique…

Your grandchildren will ask what you remember of these times. America is hurting, caught in a crucible that will inspire countless documentaries and books. We’re living history; another period in a shamefully long and brutal road to justice. The voices chanting “I can’t breathe,” the die-ins in the street, protestors…

Horse race

If you stop and think about your career as a series of horse races, a few things are going to happen. You’re more likely to get where you want to go. You’re more likely to build good relationships. And you’re more likely to have fun while you do it. The…

Reno Wilson and Butterscotch

I talk a lot about the compounding nature of things. About transforming individual moments into a cascading momentum that turns into more good things. Of course, the path to getting there is still a long and winding road, so when it succeeds, it’s truly a beautiful thing. Case in point:…

Tucker Dog making deliveries during this ruff ruff time The world is facing challenging times. The coronavirus pandemic has affected our global society in a way not seen since perhaps as far back as World War II. As cities around the US follow in the footsteps of European and Asian…

I see it all the time. Talented, hard-working people struggle to navigate the entertainment industry because they don’t understand how to generate opportunities for themselves and build the relationships they need to get the things they want. I empathize because it’s a challenging thing to do. There’s no clear, linear…