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Brian Medavoy – Page 2 – Hollywood Talent Manager, Producer, Motivator

I’m about to share with you a video of what may have been the most powerful moment of my year. But first, the story of how it came to be… I haven’t written many blogs this year. I needed a break, and I wanted to focus on myself and my mental…

It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. This is an age-old adage that means more in Hollywood than most industries on the planet. And — if you want to build strong, lasting relationships, you need to start by getting to know the most important person in your life. Yourself. As…

I wanted to title this blog “Something Good Always Comes From Something Bad” but with the sheer amount of bad over the past year, it felt trite. With the pandemic, protests against and protections entrenched for police brutality, and a genuinely frightening proliferation of willful, blissful ignorance, the past year…

Why I Share The end of the year comes with certain rituals. Recounting the ups and downs of the previous year, thinking about how to improve in the next one. For me, it also includes looking over my blogs for the past year. While I scanned through the year’s blogs, I…

2020 has been a strange year, but one thing that’s remained consistent year over year is the gratitude I’ve felt for all the likes, shares, support, and interest you’ve given my blog. This project has been quite cathartic for me and knowing that it’s been at least a little helpful…

People who most inspire me. All of them aren’t afraid of hard work. They weren’t born on third base; they hustled their asses off to get there on a blooper down the right field line. They know what it means to do The Work. These days, the barriers are lower…

As he notes in his first line, I’ve been trying to get my partner Erwin More to contribute to this blog forever. He’s one of the most important characters in my life and has one of the most unique perspectives on the entertainment business and life of anyone I’ve ever…

Focus is a skill and it’s a more complicated one than you might think. I have a wandering mind that never quits, so learning how to focus has been crucial for me. As such, I wanted to share some of the strategies I’ve used to optimize my focus, in case…